What possibly sustains Antkind

The Ant’s Soliloquy on what possibly sustains Antkind

I am an Ant in the unfolding Apocalypse.

Just an Ant

that is sensitive to the gusts of the heat from the towering pyramids of flame;

That understands that by itself an Ant isn’t anything much to write home about.


Smallness helps.

For eg: I can escape into a tiny floor crack when a heavy hobnailed boot approaches.

If provoked, I can annoy and escape, possibly, undetected.

Yet alone, I have my limitations.

So every Ant like me waves their antenna in the air to catch matching pheromones.

We resist, even if with difficulty, the terror attacks of pheromone jammers and find our kind…

We bond with one another with a brief antenna lock. And then
without wasting a moment
we get to work immediately.

With conjoined bodies and communal goals, we form incessant supply chains.

We build formidable bridges across chasms so that other
Ant people can cross over safely

Together we can even survive drowning by our special cluster formations turning
any floating scrap into a boat

We know that the secrets to Sustainability in Ant Life are dedicated teamwork and on-the-feet, never-say-die innovation

We catch the big picture by
synthesizing the various views caught by
the multiple lenses in our compound eyes

… And more the eyes, the more
accurate the picture…

Antness, in its Smallness, thrives
on Big Wisdom

I, the ‘ANT, know
that I exist because
I am plural in my essence

In that knowing lies how we could possibly survive the unfolding apocalypse…

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