aka_shakku02 March 25, 2023, 1:56pm
Haragopal E: The accidental President (of Kishore Bharati) (in his own words)
Kishore bharati is a significant experiment in science in Post-independence India.
One of the most important questions throughout has been ‘How to teach science to Rural Children?’
The most important time to teach science to rural children is now as the temperament of people is becoming unscientific.
A scientific attitude/inquiry must for development. KB is trying to work on those lines.
There used to be a certain freedom in a classroom, which is now under attack. The teacher is being constrained and told what he can not teach. This attack is a big challenge to the ideas we are discussing today. Knowledge should be available to people, it should be free. And this freedom is under attack.
Many experiments have been possible only due to presence of people who were brave enough to experiment on the ground.
Anil Sadgopal: The Jholachhap (in his own words)
Development of a nation (as the existing system does it) widens the gap between the rich and the poor. It widens the gap between the village and the cities. It is accelerating the concentration of wealth in a few hands.
The biggest problem India faces today is inequality, not poverty. If not corrected, our course with this development is set for disaster. It is not only true for India, but also in other developing countries in the world.
Development in material quality leads somehow to reduction of human quality.
(Sudarshan Kapoor’s suggestion to Anil) The solution to the education problem is not to open a new school but one must enter the government school system.
Education can not succeed without cultural transformation. HSTP has been a struggle for cultural transformation.
The full video of Anil’s opening remarks