Pointers from Presentation and Notes on Theme "Concept of Merit in Education" from Chintan Shivir

Jaikishan1 April 10, 2023, 6:31am #1

Need intervention in institutes of higher education, because there are serious structural problems in higher education. Institute of brilliance and excellence, but this instead creates discrimination. Not being political, excellence becomes a cover for individual career growth, becomes a thing of individual rather collective.

Education to bring about social change. NEP narrowly figured livelihood through courses. Not conflicting with other higher goals of higher education like critical thinking for holding up a

how do we treat higher education, not as a subject but as an inquiry

-the question of merit

so youth emerge as a critical thinker

-need for youngsters with the critical mindset to hold govt responsible

-having minimum skills, quantitative, critical.

Durga Prasad-

  • Wholistic education, state funding of education, non-competitive rubric for merit, autonomy to teachers and students, alternative forms of merits

-Everything in education is artificially orchestrated. No actual learning happening. Everything goes well, and after a board exam, there’s a roadblock. All experiment fails with the exam as the roadblock. The system of merit and selection acts as a filtering mechanism. The divide between innate and other knowledge. If we need change, we need to change the existing mental models. I heard criticism about NEP but I feel it provides some hope from the rigid education system we have. Some flexibility in moving from disciplines. which could bring in the aspects of work and education and we can build some models where alternative ways of organizing and selecting students can be a possible way. Building community centers, where a lot of community projects can be run by students.


Knowledge is social

The idea of merit is untenable

Merit above position and salary

Diversity vs quality to exclude via merit

Madhu-Concept of merit is against diversity, merit is about uniformity and standardization, diversity and experiences, and lived experiences of oppression as a part of the merit

Quantification and assessment- different modes of evaluation,

giving freedom to teachers and students to access themselves, peer-review, and self-assessment in a physical space, Madhu explained In JNU preference was given to students who came from deprived backgrounds, merit should be to encourage students to come to university instead of pushing them out.

NCF, 2005- Enable all learners to recognize their rights

How filters of knowledge add to bad pedagogical outcomes (a pedagogical aspect of merit)