Notes on Common School System

Jaikishan1 March 30, 2023, 12:53pm

I am sharing the notes (as pointers) taken by my group of Common School System during Chintan Shivir. Hopefully, these can open up more Chintan on the subject of Common School System and its implementation.

Sharing some news articles on Common School System which can build the context of its importance in alignment with equal education for all.

Notes Group Discussion- Common School System

-Deconstruct and Reconstruct education

-Neighbourhood school

-Location includes all the communities

-Mother tongue language (lanugage of natural environment of child)


-State funded CSS-NS education through mother tounge

-Academic autonomy of school

-KV is minimum example (1st to 12th std teacher) material infrastructure (less focus)

-Finland, US, Germany and also socialist countries

-Local community should have say in administration and pedagogy

-Acharya Ramamurthi Commission (NS Public funded school- develop mprove every govt and muncipal school (10yrs period), ask the private schools not to collect any money except tution fees, private schools to stop collecting money. Incentive or disinsentive no school collect any fees from students.

-Education as a Right can only be asked from state not from market

-Government and state intervention will be needed for CSS

-Personal (Aided schools) which are funded by Govt, it comes under Director of Education control

-Unaided private schools are not part of CSS (they are connected to profits)

-Article 14 (equality) Fundamental Rights can become a reality, when you are able to implement, Article 15, 16 (educationally socially backward classes of people), 17 (elimination of untouchability), 19 (freedom of expression), 21 (Freedom of life, right to life)

-Reservation is not needed in CSS, everyone will be provided equal access to education

-Dec, 17th speech of constituent assembly, social, political, economic, should nationalize land and industry, future govt must adopt socialist economy.

-Article 38,39 (wealth cannot be accumulated), 41 (right to education)

-CSS will not fit in current Education systemm, not for govt school, not for aided schools, not for centrally funded schools

-State song, and National song, CSS is not about uniformity, it recognizes diversity

-Govt schools today are dictated by centralized policies hence CSS is not possible in it. Education shifted from State list to Concurrent list and there is no concurrency.

-No reference of CSS in NEP 2020

-Chama Krishna Shashtri language english to hindi transition

-CSS will be more beneficial to learning (even the child from upper class and caste will be more benefitted) there will be more interaction rather than separation and segregation in current education system

-Common school is for creating a common equal society against caste and class differentiated society

-Present school system is homogenous its not heterogenous (poor lower castes go to some kind of school and rich go to other kind of schools)

-In CSS there wont be homogenity but there will be heterogenity

-Common means common in equality, common in diversity

-NEP 2020 will provide carpenters- Ramesh Pokhrial (former HRD minister)

-Freedom, Education, Democracy are connected

Group members: Prince Gajendra Babu, Sharad Javedekar, Jeenath Rahaman, Jaikishan Advani