India-Pakistan Peacebuilding

India- Pakistan Peacebuilding


Safoora June 15, 2023, 8:23am #1

Admiral Ramu Ramdas writes in ‘Zuva’- A journal of Cross border conversations published by South Asian Solidarity Collective | April-May 2023 issue

In this article Admiral Ramu Ramdas who retired as India’s Naval Chief in September 1993, recounts his experience of joining the largest people-to-people group in the region, Pakistan-India People’s Forum for Peace and Democracy (PIPFPD), the need for India-Pakistan dialogue to enable a process of peace building and his life with his wife and confidant, Lalita Ramdas in Alibag taluka (100kms south of Bombay) - post his retirement in 1993.
From the Archives- Zuva- Ramu Ramdas.pdf (348.5 KB)


Full issue:
Zuva Journal full.pdf (4.2 MB)

pavannair June 16, 2023, 10:13am #2

How do we share this as a link on Twitter? Copy the URL? Can we get a twitter or facebook icon here? Also the link leads to a download. Can the article be accessed directly by putting it on the cloud. Let us discuss. Thanks. PN