IIT CAG audit highlights need for non-government funding

john June 20, 2023, 5:23am

Infra, Faculty Shortages Hinder Enrolment, Research At New IITs: Report while all IITs receive significant funding from government sources, the number and cost of non-government-sponsored projects were low for the new IITs. Only IIT Mandi, IIT Patna, IIT Ropar, and IIT Hyderabad were able to attract 3.5% to 14.31% of funding from non-government sources.

In terms of patents filed and obtained, the new IITs are yet to catch up with the older institutes.
Overall, the audit highlighted areas of concern in research activities at the IITs, including the need to attract more non-government funding, improve the patent filing and obtaining process and increase research publications.
Comment: Is the funding being privatised or the patents a result of the base infrastructure and knowledge base being privatised… in the name of no-govt. funding.