Gaza ceasefire reveals Israel’s fragility, and the transformative power of resistance

At its core, resistance cannot be reduced to its tactical or strategic dimensions. It is not merely a confrontation on the battlefield but a disruption of the ontological certainties of the colonizer. Its essence lies in forcing the colonizer to confront questions they have sought to evade: Can their power truly secure resolution? Do massacres deliver finality, or do they deepen the abyss?

Resistance forces the colonizer to encounter their own contingency, to recognize the fragility of the structures they believed unassailable. In this sense, the battlefield is not just a space of violence but a space of interrogation—a site where the colonizer’s sovereignty is subjected to doubt. In other words the goal of resistance is to force the enemy to question itself. Gaza ceasefire reveals Israel’s fragility, and the transformative power of resistance – Mondoweiss](Gaza ceasefire reveals Israel’s fragility, and the transformative power of resistance – Mondoweiss) By Abdaljawad Omar