Decolonisation without searching for the ‘other’ Decolonisation without searching for the ‘other’ - Hindustan Times Could it be that the time is now more ripe for pre-modern non-European knowledge systems?
…– what will ensure the wellbeing of all living systems? This does not mean that humans should freeze into a state of do-nothing, touch-nothing. India’s over 3,000-year history of human production systems was based on co-existing with the eco-systems of the biosphere.
Of course, such systems were based on a cosmology and metaphysics. Going forward, it is that philosophical and ethical base which matters far more than specific traditional technologies. …decolonisation of the Indian mind will have to be more focused on the fundamentals of such cosmologies. When this is done with rigour and genuine curiosity, resentments about the past and assorted “others” should wither away. …